282 | Summer Vacation Recap | Longevity and Aging
Listen to "Summer Vacation Recap | Longevity & Aging" on Spreaker.During our summer vacation, we have taken some of the best interviews in the past year and put them together in topics that are related to one another. One of the scariest topics out there is on aging, Alzheimer's, dementia, how to care for ourselves more effectively as we get older. And ultimately, how can our families be taken care of even as we get older? Today's episode is all about longevity and aging.
Today, we're gonna be talking with Dr. Michael Greger about the holistic approach to longevity. Dr. Austin Perlmutter is going to give us simple solutions that help us to prevent Alzheimer's. And Heather Sandison is going to teach us about her perception of the Alzheimer's revolution. Why Alzheimer's isn't just something that we can prevent, but it's something that we can actually reverse.
Referenced in the episode:
Episode 254 | How Not to Age: Dr. Greger's Holistic Approach to Longevity
Episode 256 | Unlocking Cognitive Potential: Simple Solutions for Preventing Alzheimer's with Dr. Austin Perlmutter
Episode 267 | The Alzheimer's Revolution: Shifting Paradigms in Memory Care with Heather Sandison
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