8. Embodying Your Authentic Self.

With: Melissa Koehler and Carol Tuttle

Listen to "Embodying your authentic self. Interviews with Melissa Koehler and Carol Tuttle." on Spreaker.

In this week’s episode, Lindsey challenges women to fully embody their authentic self. Knowing who you are and embracing your truest form will add success to all areas of your life.

Lindsey talks with with Melissa Koehler who shares her expertise on the Enneagram and why knowing not just your strengths but your core fears is vital to self-realization. Then, Carol Tuttle explains how dressing your truth can help you outwardly express who you are at your deepest level, and talks about the disadvantages of dressing outside of your personality type.

Lindsey shares her personal Enneagram number and how knowing both that and her Dressing Your Truth personality type has positively impacted her life.

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