The Farmacist
Hear Me Now: One Pharmacist’s Opinion on Mandatory Vaccines
This is a discussion I have long stayed out of. Honestly there is no winning. Advisors tell me to just stay out of it. But, I cannot anymore. Here we go. Let’s talk vaccines. I’ll start here: I’m not pro-vax or anti-vax; in fact I hate the media positioning that people are solely one way ... Read more
Spring Cleaning DIYs
For most of the U.S., spring is just around the corner. And something about this time of renewal inspires us to clean! The urge to welcome in the warmer temperatures with a sparkly home is natural for many people. Here are 3 DIYs to help freshen and tidy your home and laundry. Carpet Freshener and ... Read more
The Season of Pisces: Get ready to glide into spring
For those born between February 19 and March 20, you are a Pisces. But even if you are not, during this time period you can harness the power of the prevailing astrological energy. This season is a time of compassion, creativity, and clarity of purpose. Personality Pisces are friendly and outgoing, as well as selfless ... Read more
7 Step Guide to Making Decisions
Do you feel overwhelmed by the constant pressure to look right, act right, and be perfect? Instead of trusting everyone else’s opinion, this guide will teach you 7 steps to make decisions that honor your inner voice, optimize health, and serve your higher purpose. This guide will teach you how to cut through the confusion and decide.
Emotions and Essential Oils
As a natural health educator, some of the most common questions I receive are related to how our emotions affect our health and how we can use essential oils to relieve and release stored emotional trauma. Understanding how our emotions work and how our brain processes them is key to understanding the process by which ... Read more