189. Parasites: The Little Known Cause of Chronic Disease
Listen to "Parasites: The Little Known Cause of Chronic Disease | Dr. Jaban Moore" on Spreaker.Dr. Jaban Moore is a DC located in Kansas City, MO who works virtually with clients all around the world. At age 25, he went from being an award-winning top athlete in college to feeling like he couldn’t even get out of bed. He went to a lot of appointments looking for answers, spent what felt like endless amounts of money on tests and appointments, but doctors only wanted to give him Band-Aids. He later was diagnosed with Lyme disease and dedicates his practice to helping clients get to the root cause of their chronic illness.
Topics covered in this episode:
- The three main types of parasites that cause infections in humans.
- How many people are affected by parasites?
- What are some of the symptoms that can come from having various parasitic infections?
- What to ask for to help get the right answers about parasites.
- Recommended supplements.
- Comprehension care.
- Ways to get the lymph moving.
To learn more about Dr. Jaban Moore and his work, head over to www.drjabanmoore.com IG @drjabanmoore
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If you have been struggling with immune system functioning gastrointestinal issues something as bad as celiac disease Crohn’s disease or ulcerative colitis, if you just have the skin flare ups of acne and eczema, allergies, hay fever, maybe even just brain fog, you may be feeling the effects of a microbiome dysbiosis.
We disrupt our microbiomes by lacking nutrients and fiber in your diet, lack of exercise, not getting enough sleep, having too much anxiety, do use many medications and antibiotics, having a long time spent indoors in contact with man-made material can also turn into a disruption in our microbiome. Genetic factors as well as over exposure to toxic household cleaning products, agricultural pesticides and herbicides and cosmetic products not designed with your microbiome in mind can lead to all manner of symptoms.
That’s why I decided to host the Engineering the Microbiome Summit from September 26 until October 2. You can tune in live and for free to the Engineering your Microbiome summit where I have interviews with more than 40 industry experts: physicians, nurses, chiropractors, nutritionists, all that help us to engineer healthy microbiome that can prevent and reverse both physical and mental illness.
Head to www.lindseyelmore.com/microbiome to save the date and get signed up for the Engineering your Microbiome summit to sign up today!
We hope you enjoyed this episode. Come check us out at www.lindseyelmore.com/podcast.