66. Making Functional Medicine Accessible and Affordable.

With: Dr. Lauren Castle

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Dr. Lauren Castle is a pharmacist with a Masters of Science in Functional Medicine.

She works as Market Health and Wellness Director for Walmart and serves as an influencer of the company. She’s the founder of the Functional Medicine Pharmacists Alliance, whose mission is to integrate pharmacists into the practice of pharmacy and vice versa.

Dr. Castle shares why it is so vital that pharmacists be involved in the world of functional medicine, and how her own transformational journey led to her enlightenment on this topic.

Dr. Castle believes that accessibility to functional medicine should be widespread and affordable, leaving no person unable to find what is causing them to be unwell.

After that, Lindsey shares some reflections about her Institute of Functional Medicine training, which has proved to be a humbling experience. She states that seeking knowledge, pursuing passions, and continuing education should be something that every person should strive for.

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