health and wellness
DIY Itch Stick
Nothing is more annoying than pesky bugs and the itchy bumps they leave behind. Try this recipe for a homemade DIY Itch Stick to help sooth the bites from those outdoor annoyances. Here’s the Itch Stick Recipe This recipe includes ravintsara, lavender, and Purification essential oils. This study shows lavender’s efficacy for treating allergic skin reactions ... Read more
Back to School Wellness
It’s hard to believe that it is time for most kids to head back to school. Heading back to the classroom can be a great time to establish new wellness habits. Here are some natural back to school wellness basics to help you start the year off on the right foot. Back to School Wellness ... Read more
Liquid Courage Roll-On
I love the way essential oils support my emotions. Sometimes we need a little extra boost in the self confidence department. There are many essential oils that promote feelings of confidence and a positive outlook. I created this Liquid Courage Roll-On for those times when I just need a little more bravery. Liquid Courage Roll-On ... Read more
7 Step Guide to Making Decisions
Do you feel overwhelmed by the constant pressure to look right, act right, and be perfect? Instead of trusting everyone else’s opinion, this guide will teach you 7 steps to make decisions that honor your inner voice, optimize health, and serve your higher purpose. This guide will teach you how to cut through the confusion and decide.
Three Tips for a Healthy Liver
Your liver is one of the largest organs in your body, and it performs many vital metabolic functions. Here is an explanation of its major roles in the body, as well as some practical things you can do to support your liver, including my top three tips for a healthy liver. What Does the Liver ... Read more