health and wellness
Lavender Oil and Breast Swelling in Young Boys: Should I be concerned?
I've heard that lavender oil can cause breast swelling in young boys? Should I not use this on my son?
Homemade Deodorant
Get away from propylene glycol, aluminum, and artificial chemicals and try out your own homemade deodorant.
Essential Oil Hair Tonic
I have used tonics and sprays to hydrate and smooth my hair for years, and I like to apply them before blow drying or air drying. Over the past few months I have been exploring new options for living a chemical free lifestyle. I have done well with food and medications, but I have hesitated with cosmetics and hair care.
7 Step Guide to Making Decisions
Do you feel overwhelmed by the constant pressure to look right, act right, and be perfect? Instead of trusting everyone else’s opinion, this guide will teach you 7 steps to make decisions that honor your inner voice, optimize health, and serve your higher purpose. This guide will teach you how to cut through the confusion and decide.
What is Black Seed Oil?
Black seed (Nigella sativa) is an annual flowering plant native to southwest Asia. It has a pungent, bitter taste and a faint smell of strawberries.