119. Death, Grief & the Legacy We Leave Behind | Part II
Listen to "Death, grief & the legacy we leave behind | Part II | A heartfelt letter | Lindsey Elmore" on Spreaker.Dr. Lindsey Elmore is a board-certified pharmacist, functional medicine clinician, speaker, author, entrepreneur, and world-renowned wellness expert. Dr. Elmore has an undergraduate degree in chemistry from the University of Alabama, Birmingham and a doctorate in pharmacy from the University of California San Francisco. She is also a certified vinyasa, yin, and Aroma Yoga® instructor, a business strategy coach, and the author of Essentials: 75 Answers to Common Questions about Essential Oils and Supplements and the vegan, gluten free cookbook and workbook Clean Slate Cleanse.
Topics covered in this episode:
• Lindsey Elmore shares her feelings about the passing of her grandmother, Bobby Louise Dykes Kemp.
• Lindsey reads a letter for and about her grandmother.
Lindsey Elmore resources:
• www.lindseyelmore.com
• www.cleanslatecleanse.com
• www.brandstrategieslab.com
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