Dr. Lindsey Elmore
Reasons to Avoid Pinktober
Over the past decade there has been a huge swell in marketing efforts to raise awareness for breast cancer in the month of October. The month-long celebration comes with a hefty dose of pink to promote the cause. “Pinktober” has become so pervasive that everyone from the NFL, to major airline carriers, to food brands ... Read more
Yoga Nidra for Stress? How this Simple Practice Can Improve Sleep and Help You Wind Down
Stress. Whether real or perceived, we all experience stress. So stress is part of our lives—but does it matter? Believe it or not, the CDC estimates that stress accounts for 75% of all physician visits, and 80% of all visits to primary care providers. Complaints range from headache, back pain, hypertension, and arrhythmias, to irritable ... Read more
9 Steps to Yoga Nidra: A Peaceful Sleep Meditation
Yoga Nidra is the yoga of sleep. It is a practice that puts the body in a place between fully asleep and fully awake. A dreamlike state the helps the body to rest, recover, and unwind the tension of the day. Every person needs yoga nidra whether or not you practice physical asanas (the physical ... Read more
7 Step Guide to Making Decisions
Do you feel overwhelmed by the constant pressure to look right, act right, and be perfect? Instead of trusting everyone else’s opinion, this guide will teach you 7 steps to make decisions that honor your inner voice, optimize health, and serve your higher purpose. This guide will teach you how to cut through the confusion and decide.
Three Tips for Social Media
When you get started on social media, it can seem impossible to get your content in front of other people. There are algorithms, verified accounts, and differential content preferences for every single medium. Where do you even begin? Though it may be daunting, social media is quite easy. It just takes work and consistency. Here ... Read more