Summer is the perfect time to hang outside, enjoy the long evenings, take a family road trip, or an unexpected trip. Summer brings with it unique sets of needs. The weather is hot, and we sweat and lose valuable water. The sun is drying and damaging to the skin. Outdoor pests can be annoying. We typically wear less clothing, and so many people want to get that perfect beach bod (which is literally every single body on the planet. Put your body on the beach-bingo, perfect beach bod.) So let’s talk  about 5 essential oils for summer fun in the sun!

5 Essential Oils for Summer


If you spent too much time out in the sun, lavender essential oil is your new best friend. It contains skin-soothing  chemical constituents like linalool that have have a mild numbing quality to them. Lavender can also help to calm down redness on the skin. Lavender essential oil also provides a mild antiseptic effect. Had too much fun in the sun? Combine 3 drops lavender essential oil in a tablespoon of aloe vera gel and apply to the affected area as often as needed. Come check out this post on the power of the Lavaderm After  Sun Spray.


Citronella is a plant that has been used for centuries to control pests in gardens. The monoterpenes citral and 1,8-cineole are eco-friendly chemicals that bugs hate. You can create an easy outdoor spray for animals and humans alike.


The menthol in peppermint is instantly cooling for summer. You can apply it under the arms, on the back of the neck, or on top of the head. Menthol engages the TRPM8 receptor, and this sends a cold signal to your brain.


With chemical constituents similar to tea tree essential oil, kunzea is perfect for soothing tired muscles after a workout. Add a couple of drops to carrier oil and rub on the skin. Kunzea is also a perfect essential oil to use on the face because it can minimize the appearance of blemishes. Since we sweat more and spend more time out in the sun during the summer, pimples, blackheads and whiteheads may become problematic for some people. Try adding a few drops of kunzea to your moisturizer.


Dehydration is dangerous. Even mild dehydration can cause mood disturbances, fatigue, and even seizures and urinary and kidney problems. When we are dehydrated there is also an increased risk of heat injury. Heat injury can be mild, such as heat cramps or heat exhaustion, or it can be extremely severe leading to heat stroke (a potentially deadly complication of heat and dehydration). Stay hydrated by adding a few drops of tasty grapefruit essential oil to your favorite stainless steel water bottle. Grapefruit essential oil brings with it a big jolt of limonene, which is known to have antioxidant properties. Plus the citrus polyphenols have been shown to help break up fat cells, so beach bod here you come.

There is some theoretical risk to ingesting citrus essential oils increasing the risk of sunburn. Read more about it here.

What is Your Favorite for Summer?

These are just 5 essential oils for summer, but there are dozens more that are also amazing for the warmer months. Which essential oil do you love the most in the summer? Comment below and let me know your favorite!

Want to read more about seasonal essentials? Come check out this recipe for a change of season spray!