Hand and Body Lotion Can be Scented in a Million Ways

Some hand and body lotions are unscented which gives you the liberty to create your own customized lotion using your essential oils. Whether a skilled aromatherapist or just a DIY junkie, anyone can simply add a drop or two of their favorite essential oil to their daily dose of lotion.

I recommend adding the essential oils immediately before application instead of to the entire bottle. This ensures that you have flexibility in the aroma you wear from day to day; no more getting sick of the scent when you still have half a bottle left! More importantly, adding the oils immediately before application prevents the essential oils from breaking down the structure of the lotion and increasing the risk of the lotion separating into oil and water.

Adding oils to your lotion also helps distribute them evenly over a large area. Not to mention, essential oils are good for you, while most fragrances are toxic.

Check Out a Couple of My Favorite Customized Lotion Blends

Ylang ylanglavender, and orange is my favorite uplifting blend.

You can also add a drop of cedarwood and lavender just before bedtime for a restful night.

For a masculine aroma, add a few drops of blue spruce and a drop of tea tree.

Use Caution with Photosensitizing Oils

Some essential oils make you more likely to get a sunburn, therefore, some people choose to avoid using photosensitizing oils such as bergamot, lemon, lime, or angelica before going in the sun.  This is especially important if you have very fair skin or if you live in a very sunny environment.

Want to pamper yourself a little more before slathering on your customized lotion?

Check out this recipe for a luxurious Coconut Lime Bath inspired by my trip to Bali!

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