Winter weather can wreak havoc on skin. Let’s be real. . .life in general can take its toll on our skin. From stress to poor sleep to weather and other factors, the way we feel is often reflected in our complexion. Fortunately, there are things we can do to help combat these influences. This Essential Oil Intensive Repair Night Cream is a great place to start.

About the Ingredients

Beeswax forms a moisture resistant barrier, offering protection, while also thickening this blend.

Shea butter relieves dry skin, reduces the appearance of cellulite, and improves elasticity. It is also an emollient that helps retain moisture. In addition, it contains vitamin C, which helps keep skin looking young and healthy. I like shea butter for the skin so much, you can find it in many of my DIY recipes, like this Hot Cocoa Body Butter.

Rosehip oil has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects on the skin. It also promotes healing and repair of skin barrier.

Scientific studies show that, since aloe vera gel is 99% water, it can increase the flexibility and reduce the fragility of skin. It also helps brighten the complexion and soothe cracked, dry skin. You can also find aloe vera gel in my homemade Green Tea Skin Toner recipe.

Bentonite clay protects skin from infection. It also aids in the healing of skin lesions and ulcers and can even relieve dermatitis. Learn more about bentonite clay benefits here.

Vitamin E oil is high in antioxidants that nourish the skin and decrease the appearance of scars and other blemishes. This is why I use vitamin E oil in SO many of my DIY recipes for skin (like this Summer Ready Legs Cream).

Essential Oils in This Blend:

Manuka and frankincense essential oils support the skin and promote healing. Lemon essential oil brightens and can help lighten skin spots. Nutmeg improves circulation to combat acne, stimulates healthy blood flow, and fights free radicals to improve the appearance of skin and slow the aging process.

Essential Oil Intensive Repair Night Cream



  1. Create a double boiler by placing a small glass bowl in a saucepan with water. Add shea butter and beeswax to the glass bowl.
  2. Turn heat on medium and bring water to a gentle boil. Stir mixture frequently until shea butter and wax melt completely. 
  3. Remove from heat and stir in remaining ingredients in the order listed.
  4. Carefully pour into a glass jar and allow to cool completely before using.

To Use

Apply to clean face, neck, and décolletage just before bedtime. Keep in mind that this is intended to be a night cream. Because lemon essential oil is phototoxic, do not apply before going outdoors. If you want to use this cream during the day, simply leave the lemon essential oil out of the recipe. Use caution and do not apply too closely to the eyes.

Love learning the benefits of essential oils? Download the first 5 chapters of my book, Essentials: Answers to 75 Common Questions about Essential Oils and Supplements, here.